Career Mothers Legacy

As a career-oriented mother striving to leave a meaningful legacy, we understand your unique challenges. Are you seeking a better balance between your professional ambitions and family responsibilities? Do you wonder how to advance your career without sacrificing precious family time? Perhaps you’re looking for effective ways to manage stress, maintain your health, or ensure financial security for your family’s future.

Join us as we explore strategies for personal development, professional networking, and legacy building, all while managing the societal pressures and stereotypes of being a working mother. Let’s work together to ensure you meet and exceed your personal and professional goals, creating a lasting legacy that celebrates your career achievements and role as a mother.

We provide resources, guidance, and a supportive community to help you navigate the complexities of being a dedicated mother and a successful professional. Whether you’re trying to overcome guilt, find reliable childcare, or keep your relationship strong, we’re here to help. We aim to empower you to maintain a robust professional identity, manage your time efficiently, and instill lasting values in your children

Personal Development

At Career Mothers Legacy, we empower career mothers with tools and strategies for personal and professional growth. Our resources cover continuous learning, emotional intelligence, health and well-being, and developing a growth mindset. Join our supportive community to connect with like-minded mothers and achieve a harmonious work-life balance. Explore our Personal Development section to thrive in every aspect of your life.

Professional Networking

At Career Mothers Legacy, we support career mothers in advancing their professional skills and achieving career success. Our resources include leadership training, time management techniques, and career advancement strategies. Connect with a network of ambitious mothers and access tools that help you excel in your career while maintaining a balanced family life. Explore our Professional Development section to reach new heights in your professional journey.

Legacy Building

At Career Mothers Legacy, we help you create a lasting impact for future generations. Our resources guide you in instilling values, nurturing relationships, and building a meaningful legacy. Learn how to balance career and family life while making a difference that endures. Explore our Legacy Building section to shape a legacy that reflects your values and aspirations.


Dr. Patricia Tibbs is a doctor, wife, and mother of four wonderful young people.

She is a Board Certified Pediatrician practicing in Mississippi, with a Master of Public Health in Maternal and Child Health. She is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Dr. Tibbs is an author, writer, mentor, speaker, mother, and wife. She has lived in Africa, Europe, and North America and has traveled widely.

Dr. Patricia Tibbs


Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.